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Here you'll find some of the questions commonly asked about BIHR:

BIHR provides information and training on human rights law in the UK. We work with individuals, communities and public bodies every day to help them put our Human Rights Act into practice and improve outcomes for people accessing services. We also amplify the voices of the people we work with through our policy work, ensuring the real stories of how our Human Rights Act is being used across the UK reach the people with the power to change laws and systems.

BIHR does not offer legal advice or represent clients. If you or someone you know is facing a human rights issue, you can find a list of organisations that may be able to support you on our help page.

BIHR focuses on human rights in the UK and so is not able to comment on international issues.

Our work with public bodies shows us that staff want to achieve the best possible outcomes for the people they support - but are often facing tough decisions, tight time and budgetary constraints and a complex max of laws and regulations. 

Our Human Rights Act provides a legal framework that requires them to uphold human rights whenever possible. By equipping staff with the knowledge, confidence and legal framework they need to back up rights-respecting decisions, we can help give them the courage to balance risks with rights and achieve better outcomes for people accessing services.

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