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Chair of the Board

Imran Khan KC

Imran is one of the Founding members of Imran Khan and Partners, and is Head of the Criminal Defence, Actions Against the Police and Public Law Departments. He is well known for his representation of the family of Stephen Lawrence during the private prosecution, inquest, and public inquiry into Stephen’s murder. Imran was appointed Queen's Counsel in 2018 having been a Higher Rights Advocate for many years.

“As a lawyer I can give you umpteen examples of where  I rely on the Human Rights Act on a daily basis, it is surprising that we have to defend it. Importantly, the British Institute of Human Rights is not about sitting around and debating, it is about how do we change people's lives for the better, using the Human Rights Act in a way to change society.”


You can watch Imran talk at our 2020 Human Rights reception, highlighting the importance of the Human Rights Act for individuals and lawyers in setting out what we’re all entitled to as people.

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