Our Strategy
Our 2020-2025 Strategic Framework is underpinned by our organisational commitment to BIHR’s role as the organisation supporting people, communities, public bodies, and policymakers to deliver a culture of respect for human rights across the UK.
BIHR focuses on change through the practical use of the Human Rights Act, beyond the courts. We produce the tools and provide the support people need to use the law to resolve situations. This is about preventing poor public services and policy and challenging and changing decisions when things have gone wrong.
At the heart of each of our strategic aims is our commitment to bring about collaborative change through the use of human rights advocacy and approaches to change policy and practice. We seek to achieve change through human rights at 4 key levels - people, communities, public bodies and policymakers - underpinned by a vibrant BIHR.
Strategic Aim 1:
Empowering Individuals
Enabling people to access practical and relevant tools and information to use human rights to self-advocate in their everyday interactions
Strategic Aim 2:
Supporting Communities
Strengthening the agency of community and voluntary groups to use human rights advocacy in their everyday actions.
Strategic Aim 3:
Improving Systems
Increasing accountability of public bodies and services to uphold human rights across all their actions.
Strategic Aim 4:
Experience informed policy change
Amplifying the voices of the people we support to positively influence policy impacting their rights, including securing our Human Rights Act.

Our Theory of Change
Our 2020-2025 Strategic Framework is underpinned by our organisational commitment to BIHR’s role as the organisation supporting people, communities, public bodies, and policymakers to deliver a culture of respect for human rights across the UK.
BIHR focuses on change through the practical use of the Human Rights Act, beyond the courts. We produce the tools and supports that people need to use the law to resolve situations. This is about preventing poor public services and policy and challenging and changing decisions when things have gone wrong.
At the heart of each of our strategic aims is our commitment to bring about collaborative change through the use of human rights advocacy and approaches to change policy and practice. We seek to achieve change through human rights at 4 key levels - people, communities, public bodies and policymakers - underpinned by a vibrant BIHR
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