Yes, please do print our resources if you wish to.
Resources FAQs
FAQs about our resources
Can I print more than one copy of your resources?
Yes, please print as many copies as you need.
Can I share your resources with family, friends and colleagues?
Yes, please do share our resources with others who will find them useful.
Can I use your resources in my work or studies?
Yes, please feel free to use our resources as reference material in your work or studies. You may also quote selectively from the resources if you wish to. If you do so, please clearly acknowledge BIHR, and the resource you have used, as the source of the quotation.
Is there anything I must not do with your resources?
Please do not use the resources for any commercial purpose, or as the core course material in any education or training you provide.
Can you post me a hard copy of a resource I need?
If you do not have access to a printer or affordable printing facilities, we will be pleased to post you one copy of the resource you need. This will be a black and white copy of the resource, which can be unbound or stapled based on your preference. You will not need to pay us for the resource, but we will ask you to pay the postage. You can also ask us to post a colour and/or bound copy of a resource, but we will ask you to pay for the extra cost of this. (This payment will be to cover our extra costs not to make a profit).
If you need more than one hard copy of a resource, or hard copies of several resources, we will be able to post the resources to you, but we will ask you to pay for the printing and postage. (This payment will be to cover our costs not to make a profit).
If we send you more than one hard copy of a resource, or hard copies of several resources, you can let us know if you want them to be black and white or colour, and if you want them to be unbound, stapled or bound, and we will let you know the cost accordingly.
How can I arrange for you to send me a hard copy (or hard copies) of a resource (or resources)?
Please complete and submit the form below.
We will then contact you to let you know what the cost will be to post the resources to you. If you are happy with the cost, we will then send you a payment link so that you can pay by debit or credit card. When we receive your payment, we will arrange for the resource(s) to be printed and posted to you.
Can you give me a rough idea of the costs for printing and postage?
To get an exact cost for the resource(s) you’d like to receive, you will need to complete the form below. However, here are some guidelines on prices (no VAT is payable):
- Printing in black & white - 16 pence per page
- Printing in colour - 30 pence per page
- Stapling – no extra charge
- Binding - £14 per document
- 2nd class postage – from £3.80 per parcel
- 1st class postage – from £5.30 per parcel
- All printing is double sided on A4 80 gsm paper
- Booklet binding is without front or back cover
- 2nd class postage is not available for bound resources; these will be sent 1st
If you only require one copy of a resource, we will be pleased to post this to you just for the cost of the postage. You will not need to pay us for the resource.
Please fill out the form below to get a cost for the resource(s) you'd like to receive:
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