Our Open Access Workshops & Resources
The Open Access Workshops are designed to support people accessing services and their loved ones and advocates to know and claim their rights when interacting with public bodies and to frame their concerns and challenges using human rights law.
Our CAMHS Programme
The CAMHS Inpatient Open Access workshops involved five independent workshops held online which were open to all young people and their loved ones with experience accessing CAMHS services.
We also created two human rights guides (a full version and a short version) setting out how human rights apply in CAMHS settings and giving practical steps and suggestions that can be used to improve outcomes for the young people involved.
The Results
of workshop attendees rated their session "excellent" (65%) or "good" (35%)
of survey respondents said they would use the resources or share them with others
attendees rated their knowledge about human rights law and duties at 4/5 afterwards versus 2.9/5 before
attendees rated the importance of human rights law to their lives at 5/5 afterwards versus 4.8/5 before
attendees rated their confidence talking to staff in services about human rights at 4.6/5 afterwards versus 3.3/5 before
This programme was co-produced with Lived Experience Experts.
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