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Our Open Access Workshops & Resources

The Open Access Workshops are designed to support people accessing services and their loved ones and advocates to know and claim their rights when interacting with public bodies and to frame their concerns and challenges using human rights law.

Our CAMHS Programme

The CAMHS Inpatient Open Access workshops involved five independent workshops held online which were open to all young people and their loved ones with experience accessing CAMHS services.

We also created two human rights guides (a full version and a short version) setting out how human rights apply in CAMHS settings and giving practical steps and suggestions that can be used to improve outcomes for the young people involved.

The Results


of workshop attendees rated their session "excellent" (65%) or "good" (35%)


of survey respondents said they would use the resources or share them with others


attendees rated their knowledge about human rights law and duties at 4/5 afterwards versus 2.9/5 before


attendees rated the importance of human rights law to their lives at 5/5 afterwards versus 4.8/5 before


attendees rated their confidence talking to staff in services about human rights at 4.6/5 afterwards versus 3.3/5 before

Workshop attendees said...

It was really interesting to be part of a concrete conversation that talked very clearly and frankly about human rights, and how to challenge those who are causing harm or neglect about the legal responsibility to respect the human rights of those in their care. I feel empowered and emboldened to do more to challenge unsafe practices and services as well as equip others with the knowledge to do the same.

Programme Participant

It was absolutely fascinating and they broke down rights and what they are functionally and some examples to spot when they are being ignored and what to do then in a manner that was very easy to understand. It's vital we know our rights in the systems we have to interact with and this was the first explanation that really stuck with me.

Programme Participant

Really helpful, informative session providing just the right level of information for those who've had poor experiences of human rights being compromised within the NHS, with practical information & advice given in order to address concerns with staff and be better informed/heard.

Programme Participant

People surveyed on the resources said...

This is really important work so thank you! Would love to see more of it.

Programme Participant

This has been really useful and certainly a confidence boost. You can’t beat lived experience! Thank you for sharing and spreading awareness.

Programme Participant

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