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Community work

Community Programme: 2022-2025

The Community Programme is funded by the Baring Foundation for three years from May 2022 – May 2025. The aim of the project is to deliver on BIHR’s Strategic Aim 2: to strengthen the agency and voice of community groups and voluntary groups to address social justice issues using human rights. The programme has six different phases which will repeat annually in what we’re calling a project cycle.

See our solutions

We're pleased to share the human rights solutions co-produced with our community partners in 2023. Click each of the front covers below to see the resources.

How we will run the programme

  1. Learning and data collection: From the start we will use an evaluation framework to help us understand what difference HRA advocacy can make for Community and Voluntary Groups (CVGs) and people.
  2. Launch event: In December, each year we will hold an event to share and reflect on the learning of previous cycle and launch our upcoming programme. This event will be an annual route into the work, engaging more and new CVGs each year.

  3. Awareness-raising workshops: An application-based programme of bespoke, introductory online workshops for up to 20 CVGs; to learn more about the practical use of the Human Rights Act, and how the legal duties and rights can be used to challenge the social injustices and disadvantage the CVGs are seeking to change.

  4. Community Support Solutions: Programmatic partnerships supporting longer-term social change through human rights advocacy/approaches. Annually we will work with up to 5 CVGs to co-design human rights support solutions to integrate HRA advocacy into their ongoing work to tackle a specific issue/area.

  5. Summer School: We will pilot this as part of our hub activities which would fund places for small CVGs and help sustain our hub activities longer-term.

  6. Remodelling of BIHR’s Know Your Human Rights self-advocacy tool: To help support a network of our partner CVGs to sustain learning and practice, and to share this with wider groups.

The 2024 Programme

Our work in 2024 will include awareness-raising workshops and design of community support solutions.

Our Community Programme aims to strengthen the agency and voice of community and voluntary groups (CVGs) to address social justice issues using human rights. Each phase will empower Community & Voluntary Groups (CVGs) with knowledge of their legal rights, and use this to create human rights change locally in a practical, relevant and accessible way.

The programme follows four exciting phases, outlined below.

Learning & Data Collection

We have used an evaluation framework to help us understand the difference that HRA advocacy can make to Community and Voluntary Groups (CVGs) and people, looking at our 2021 pilot project.

Launch Event

On Human Rights Day 2023, we shared samples of the six resources co-produced with our community partners over the course of the year. You can read more about the event in our write-up.

Awareness-Raising Workshops for your Community

This is an application-based programme of bespoke, introductory online workshops for up to 20 CVGs across the UK. These are for CVGs staff and the people they work with to learn more about the practical use of the Human Rights Act, and how the legal duties and rights can be used to challenge the social injustices and disadvantage they are seeking to change. 

Design a Community Support Solution

This stage supports long-term social change through human rights advocacy and approaches. BIHR will work with CVGs to co-design human rights support solutions to integrate and embed HRA advocacy into their ongoing work to tackle a specific issue or area.

Our Community Partners

We are delighted to share the organisations that we are working with in 2024 to deliver tailored awareness-raising workshops:


BRIL is a community group run by and for disabled people, neurodivergent people, people living with chronic illness and people who experience mental distress. It campaigns for equality and inclusion for all disabled people, promotes independent living, and provides peer support.

Supported Loving

Supported Loving is a human rights-based campaign and network, hosted by Choice Support. It believes that people with a learning disability and autistic people should be able to enjoy love, romance and sexual relationships, and offers help to make this happen.


Louisa D B St Bartholomew-Brown Morgan is a volunteer Human Rights Ambassador for Age Cymru and activist in her local community and beyond. Louisa is coordinating a human rights awareness-raising workshop for staff, volunteers and attendees at her local community centre focusing on issues affecting older people in Mid Wales.

Awesta Charitable Organisation

Awesta Charity, a registered UK organisation, initially focused its efforts on aiding Afghanistan. Recently, it expanded its mission to embrace all communities in the UK facing similar challenges and sharing the same values, particularly refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants. BIHR are supporting Awesta to use human rights law to advocate for better education, housing and mental health services.

Dudley Voices for Choice

Dudley Voices for Choice are a user led charitable organisation that supports people with learning disabilities and autism to speak up for themselves.

The Traveller Movement

Established in 1999, the Traveller Movement has an award-winning track record in innovative and ground-breaking work using a collective community assets-based approach for addressing ethnic Romani (Gypsy), Roma and Irish Traveller inequality, exclusion and discrimination and promoting their rights.

Aberdeen in Recovery

Aberdeen in Recovery is an organization that aims to help those experiencing active addiction and recovery by highlighting services in their community, offering complementary therapies, on-line recovery groups and a conversation café.

Allies for Justice & Families for Justice

Allies for Justice is a campaign group for people with lived experience of navigating the UK’s asylum system, immigration detention and deportation system. They are committed to campaigning and using their lived experience as a form of expertise, together with their other knowledge and skills, to challenge the cruelty of immigration detention, the broken asylum system and the injustice of deportation policies.

Families for Justice is a group of mothers, wives, partners and daughters living at the sharp end of the UK’s immigration policies. In 2020 they united as part of the Detention Action network. Over the last two years, Families for Justice has become a source of strength and solidarity for all its members, a space where they can talk about what they’re going through and know they won’t be judged; a space where they can unite and fight, together.

Bristol Refugee and Asylum Seeker Partnership

Bristol Refugee and Asylum Seeker Partnership was set up in 2019 in response to a desire for greater strategic leadership within the refugee and asylum seeker (RAS) support sector, and for greater voice in the city, particularly for people from refugee backgrounds themselves.

Devon and Cornwall Refugee Support

Devon and Cornwall Refugee Support’s vision is to have a fair, humane and safe asylum experience for all in an attempt to bridge the gap by providing specialist asylum casework support and immigration advice to any asylum seeker or refugee across Devon and Cornwall. They also provide wellbeing activities and support to access the NHS through our services. 

People First Dorset

People First Dorset was set up in 2004 as a user led charity. They are led and run by people with learning disabilities, with support from staff as needed. People First Dorset believe that people with learning disabilities have a right to be assured of their independence, their ability to choose, and their inclusion in community life. This requires confidence, communication skills and the ability to challenge. People First Dorset achieves this for them.

ATD Fourth World

ATD FOURTH WORLD is a human rights based anti-poverty organisation, with more than sixty years experience of tackling inequality and promoting social justice in the UK.

Rochdale Women's Welfare Association

Rochdale Women’s Welfare Association serves a diverse community of women, many of whom come from minority backgrounds and face intersecting challenges related to domestic abuse, cultural sensitivity, and immigration status.

Association for Young People's Health

The Association for Young People's Health works to understand and meet the particular health and wellbeing needs of 10-25 year olds. Our workshop will be delivered to their Young Ambassadors, a group of young people with lived experience of health-related difficulties, either in themselves, or with the health and social care system in the UK.

Carers Scotland Workshop Participant

"It is essential you go to this session as you will learn valuable information in your role as a carer in securing your rights."

Scottish Autism Workshop Participant

"In terms of advocacy support, the session provided snowballs for parents to throw!"

Disability Wales Workshop Participant

"Do it even if you don't think you have the time, you'll likely learn something you didn't know."

Rock Trust Workshop Participant

"This session made me realise we can all ensure human rights are respected, and I have the power to challenge public authorities when they are now!

Dates-n-Mates Workshop Participant

"Many attendees went on to think about how they can protect their human rights in their own lives after relating to some of the examples in the workshops."

Rock Trust Workshop Participant

"A total eye-opening, empowering game-changer."

Families, Friends & Travellers Workshop Participant

"I left with a lot more knowledge about human rights than I had when I entered, and I'm surprised I didn't know a lot of this before."

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