Communities Support Solution
Parent & Carer Alliance C.I.C.
As part of our communities’ co-design programme in 2024, BIHR partnered with the Parent & Carer Alliance to co-design a human rights support solution. We have co-created a detailed written resource to empower parents and carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities to use human rights when challenging decisions of local authorities and schools, with additional video explaining the project and its intended impact.
Please use and share this resource with anyone who could benefit from knowing their rights or the rights of people they support.
View the PCA guide View the Human Rights Act Advocacy Flowchart here
Collaborating with the Parent & Carer Alliance CIC
Parent and Carer Alliance CIC work with families living in Gloucestershire, whose children have additional needs and disabilities, to ensure they get their needs met and live better lives.
This resource was made in collaboration with the staff and members of the Parent and Carer Alliance CIC over the course of six months. It includes real life stories and issues that have been provided by the them that cover the human rights issues that parents and carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities face.
Lucy Fullard, CEO and founder of the Parent and Carer Alliance CIC said:
"We hope that by using this guide and supporting and educating families to empower them, families are more able to challenge the failures that they experience. We believe that this will move many situations forward so that families can get their needs met as well as raising awareness of the level of failures and the impact on families."
Working with the Parent & Carer Alliance CIC
We have been delighted to partner with the Parent & Carer Alliance on this year's Communities Programme. PCA is run by and for parents and carers of children with additional needs. A key part of PCA's work is to ensure families are given a real opportunity to have a voice in the decision-making processes which affect their lives and to feel more confident in championing getting the needs of their families. What PCA needed was a detailed, but easy to use Guide, which looks at the legal duties officials in health, care, education and local council have under the Human Rights Act with a focus on wellbeing, choice, family and community connection, dignity and non-discrimination.
The Guide is packed with real life stories from PCA's work, BIHR's work, and legal cases showing how the Human Rights Ac can support family advocacy. The colour-coded Guide comes in 3 parts: (1) Duties, (2) Rights and (3) Actions, with several detailed tools, including a human rights flowchart, action steps for advocacy, initial and escalation template letters, worked through stories, and signposting for more support.
Through their lived experience, PCA know the system is often stacked against families. The maze of officials and services families face is often complex; that's why a comprehensive human rights advocacy guide was needed.
Watch and share our video on how our Human Rights Act can support parent and carer advocacy
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