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Transforming Communities

London Communities: Human Rights Programme

How we designed the programme

At BIHR, we support people and communities to put human rights into action. That action looks different for every group, but it can mean linking social justice issues and public body interactions to human rights law; improving knowledge and confidence in using human rights language; co-producing resources and advocacy tools; and/or supporting sustainable changes in organisations.

We’re teaming up with Just Fair to offer free, tailored support to community groups in London. Over the next five years, we’ll work directly with those facing discrimination and disadvantage in London to use human rights law in their everyday work to create practical, real-world change.

About the programme

The programme aims to promote and develop the use of human rights-based approaches for London-focused civil society organisations. 

At BIHR and Just Fair our work over many years has shown us that when community groups are supported to use international and domestic human rights law, there is an opportunity to create social justice through practical, real-world change.   

We hope that by the end of the programme, organisations we’ve worked with along the way are empowered to use a Human Rights Based Approach to participate in the development of policies and practices that impact the lives of their communities. To help them get there, we’ll be providing tiers of support and resources – including training and funding – to build the capacity of individual organisations and the wider ecosystem of groups working for social change in London.  

We’re currently accepting applications for community and voluntary groups to work with us over the next four years. Selected groups will receive £50,000 funding per year and dedicated support to embed human rights into their work.

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The impact of the programme

Hear from some of the communities that have worked with BIHR in the past on the impact of putting human rights into practice:


This project has kindly been funded by the Baring Foundation and City Bridge Foundation.

The future of this programme

Over the next four years, four civil society organisations will receive funding to support communities in London to use human rights-based approaches to effect change. Their work will be supported by Just Fair and BIHR.

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