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Transforming Communities

SWAN Advocacy

We provided a workshop for South West Advocacy Group (SWAN), a group of frontline Independent Advocates from mixed disciplines. The workshop involved providing information on the Human Rights Act, and how human rights can inform practice.  

How we designed the programme

SWAN contacted us to request a one-off workshop to support their staff in their continuing professional develop and to refresh their knowledge and understanding of rights-based approaches in practice. We created a workshop tailored to their everyday work covering relevant specific issues such as mental health and capacity decisions and supporting disabled people.

About the programme

The workshop we ran for South West Advocacy Network (SWAN) was a single, half-day, online workshop that provided an introduction to human rights and the Human Rights Act, and how it relates to health and social care. 

The workshop covered:

The impact of the programme

Participant at our SWAN workshop

“Thank you, for tailoring it to independent advocacy it was very interesting and informative; this will improve all of our practice.”

Participant at our SWAN workshop

"It is very informative and relatable to everyday lives. This affects more people than we realise."

The future of this programme

The SWAN Advocacy workshop was a one-off session, however the response from those that attended was very positive, with many saying they would recommend a BIHR human rights session to colleagues.

If you are interested in workshops that could help your organisation to learn more about human rights and use it in a practical way in health and social care, you can contact us at

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