Our policy projects
Protecting our Human Rights Act
We all want to live safe and well, knowing that the authorities will support our rights; our Human Rights Act helps make this happen.
At BIHR we see the positive value of our Human Rights Act every day in our work with people accessing services, community and advocacy groups, and staff working in public services.
Yet, these stories that are rarely heard in national debates about our law. Rather, successive UK governments have developed an increasingly hostile approach to the Human Rights Act. It is important to remember that our Human Rights Act limits public power, and so it is not always popular with those who have that power. However, the risks to our protections in the Human Rights Act and the connected European Convention on Human Rights being lost are now a political reality.
Human rights are universal, they belong to all of us, this is at the heart of our Human Rights Act, which has supported people across the UK. It is vital that discussions about our Human Rights Act and its future focus on the actual law and people's real-life experiences of how this carefully crafted Act helps them live with equal dignity and respect.
The real stories of change developed through our programmes with people, are all about the human faces of our Human Rights Act. It is this evidence that is often missing from traditional approaches. BIHR’s policy model is to amplify the voices of those we support, bringing their lived experience together with our expertise on human rights law and practice.
Our current policy projects
Rights Removal Bill

Find out about the UK Government's Bill of Rights Bill - better known as the Rights Removal Bill as it puts all our human rights protections at risk.

Rights Removal Bill
Find out about the UK Government's Bill of Rights Bill - better known as the Rights Removal Bill as it puts all our human rights protections at risk.
Human Rights Day 2022: Community Mobilisation

Our theme for Human Rights Day 2022 was community mobilisation as we celebrated communities coming together to uphold and make use of human rights across the UK.

Human Rights Day 2022: Community Mobilisation
Our theme for Human Rights Day 2022 was community mobilisation as we celebrated communities coming together to uphold and make use of human rights across the UK.
Joint Letter on Protecting Section 3 of the Human Rights Act

With 40+ other civil society organisations from across the UK, we wrote to the Joint Committee on Human Rights on our concerns with recent laws weakening Section 3.

Joint Letter on Protecting Section 3 of the Human Rights Act
With 40+ other civil society organisations from across the UK, we wrote to the Joint Committee on Human Rights on our concerns with recent laws weakening Section 3.
Human Rights Day 2023: Small Places Close to Home

Our theme for Human Rights Day 2023 was small places close to home as we celebrated the everyday impact of the Human Rights Act, the European Convention on Human Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Human Rights Day 2023: Small Places Close to Home
Our theme for Human Rights Day 2023 was small places close to home as we celebrated the everyday impact of the Human Rights Act, the European Convention on Human Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

Read about BIHR's evidence to the United Nations as part of the eighth periodic review of the UK's implementation of this international human rights law.

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Read about BIHR's evidence to the United Nations as part of the eighth periodic review of the UK's implementation of this international human rights law.
The International Covenant on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights

Read about BIHR's submission to the UK Civil Society Shadow Report to the United Nations on the UK's implementation of ICSECR.

The International Covenant on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights
Read about BIHR's submission to the UK Civil Society Shadow Report to the United Nations on the UK's implementation of ICSECR.
The Equality & Human Rights Commission Draft Strategy Consultation
Read our response to EHRC's consultation on its draft strategic plan for 2025 - 2028.
The Equality & Human Rights Commission Draft Strategy Consultation
Read our response to EHRC's consultation on its draft strategic plan for 2025 - 2028.
Human Rights Day 2024

On 10th December 2024, we celebrated Human Rights Day with an event in the House of Lords, an open letter to the Prime Minister and the launch of four new human rights resources for community groups.

Human Rights Day 2024
On 10th December 2024, we celebrated Human Rights Day with an event in the House of Lords, an open letter to the Prime Minister and the launch of four new human rights resources for community groups.
Related topics
Read more about human rights and our work in this area.

The Independent Commission on UK Public Health Emergency Powers
Read the report on UK governments’ reactions to Covid-19, featuring evidence from our CEO on the human rights impact of new laws and the way they were implemented.
The Independent Commission on UK Public Health Emergency Powers

Read the report on UK governments’ reactions to Covid-19, featuring evidence from our CEO on the human rights impact of new laws and the way they were implemented.

People with learning disabilities call for urgent changes to resuscitation decisions
Read about our report on people with learning disabilities' experiences of DNARs, commissioned by England's Health Ombudsman as part of its review of end-of-life care.
People with learning disabilities call for urgent changes to resuscitation decisions

Read about our report on people with learning disabilities' experiences of DNARs, commissioned by England's Health Ombudsman as part of its review of end-of-life care.

Our CEO's statement on the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Act becoming law
"The path of carving out exceptions to human rights protections here in the UK is nothing to celebrate, and has a destination which should scare us all."
Our CEO's statement on the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Act becoming law

"The path of carving out exceptions to human rights protections here in the UK is nothing to celebrate, and has a destination which should scare us all."

Our CEO's statement on the Rights Removal Bill being stopped
Read our CEO's statement following the announcement from Justice Secretary Alex Chalk that the UK Government will not proceed with the Rights Removal Bill.
Our CEO's statement on the Rights Removal Bill being stopped

Read our CEO's statement following the announcement from Justice Secretary Alex Chalk that the UK Government will not proceed with the Rights Removal Bill.

Our Open Letter to the Prime Minister
Find out about the joint letter co-ordinated by BIHR for Human Rights Day 2023 and hear from CEO Sanchita.
Our Open Letter to the Prime Minister

Find out about the joint letter co-ordinated by BIHR for Human Rights Day 2023 and hear from CEO Sanchita.

National Advocacy Awards 2023
We're thrilled to have won the Best Supporter Award for 2023, having been nominated by three community groups we've worked with.
National Advocacy Awards 2023

We're thrilled to have won the Best Supporter Award for 2023, having been nominated by three community groups we've worked with.
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